"The Parrot team is very proud of Ensoft's development, validation, design and management teams for their involvement and willpower to carry out the projects that Parrot entrusts to them. Let's keep up the good work in 2013 with more exciting, attactive and innovative projects."
"Procter & Gamble is a consumer goods corporation that holds a bunch of established brands. Since the company has an active marketing strategy, they inqured Ensoft help in developing Augmented Reality promo game app for promotion and attracting customer's attention to their produce."
"AIG is woldwide insurance corporation that traces its history from 1919. It has three main insurance services such as AIG Property Casualty, AIG Life and Retirement and United Guaranty Corporation. To operate efficiently and be ready to process huge amounts of inner and customer data. AIG hired Ensoft to build its own financial and insurance CRM system."