Sujet Case Study

Sujet Case Study


Project: Mobile application for iOS “Sujet”
Customer: Hoople SAS, France
Category: mobile development
Industry: utility
Technologies: Objective C, UIKit
Platforms: iOS


The customer – Hoople SAS – wanted to get an application for multilingual instant messaging for iPhone operating system. Messages are to derive from ready-made phrases.

The developers should make possible for users to attach their photos, contact files, enter a date, choose the language, a style of a message, find the necessary person from the contact list and specify a category of content (answer, not available, meeting, to be sent, etc.).


  • A need to secure key functions (answer, not available, meeting, to be sent, etc.) as well to provide options to choose the recipient, to choose the style of the text and choose between SMS and email;
  • A need to secure automatic translation of the needed sentences and make the application available for multinational users;
  • A need to deal with a great number of various information and at the same time to secure correct information delivery from relevant databases.


The outcome of the project is a multilingual mobile application for iOS “Sujet”. One can easily create a SMS or email only by swiping his/her finger on the screen and choosing among various texts (options for greetings, conclusion, etc.).

Moreover, when the text is composed, a user can change all the composition options (language, email or SMS, style, category) as well as mark most frequently chosen people on their contact list.
